The Master degree Biology and Health Science of the University of Lille is designed for scientific and medical students (medicine, pharmacy, dentistry) interested in training by and through research in biological sciences applied to health.
It is based on the local scientific environment constituted by the research units labeled in health belonging to the University of Lille, in partnership with the Lille University Medical Center, the Pasteur Institute of Lille, INSERM and CNRS.
The objective of this master is to:
- Prepare scientific students for research professions and give them a base of knowledge and skills necessary for all professions related to health research;
- Prepare future doctors, pharmacists and other health professionals in the design and conduct of a research project.
Many of our students are planning to pursue an advanced graduate work (PhD) or a career in medicine (staff in public hospital and university). Additional targeted jobs are those of project manager in research and development, clinical research associate, coordinator of clinical studies, biomedical data manager, study or research engineer, engineer in animal experimentation, full researcher.
At the end of the training, the student is able to
- Contribute to a research activity in the field of Biology and Health Sciences
- Design an experiment in Biology and Health Sciences in a specific area by defining a problem and formulating objectives
- Implement an experimental approach in Biology and Health Sciences
- Analyze collected data in a basic, clinical or pharmacological research study
- Communicate scientific data
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The master is organized into five sub-programs (“Parcours”):
- Biomedical research on donors bodies (Anat)
- Cellular Integrative and Translational Neuroscience (Neuro)
- Diabetes and Cardiovascular diseases (Diab)
- Immunity, inflammation, infection (3I)
- Basic and clinical oncology, towards precision medicine (Onco)
- Precision Health (PH)
The M1 level is dedicated to fundamental teaching but a certain degree of specialization is possible through the choice of elective courses.
In M2, the first term is devoted to lessons and the preparation of the research project. The second term is entirely devoted to carrying out a research project. This research project can be carried out in a research unit of the University of Lille or in another structure in France or abroad (after validation by the head of the master).
The training is organized by the School of Medicine in partnership with the Faculty of Sciences.